Sunday, December 29, 2013

75% OFF

So my mother is so wonderful got me a Old Navy gift card for Christmas so I wanted to go right after Christmas because I knew that they would have sales. and boy did they not disappoint.
 I love black but I would always think to myself  why don't I have a black sweater? well  that dream come to true with this 8$ crew neck sweater.

 pretty much all there jeans were on sale for 19$! crazy right!?! so picked up these cool jeans. I love the zipper detailing, it really adds that rocker vibe.
I have been seeing tons of these long winter coats around, with the fur hood. So when I saw this baby for 20 bucks I just had to. I'm sure it is will keep me warm for many winters to come.

Saturday, December 28, 2013


This was my first Christmas out here in Ohio. And with my sister family. I knew it was going to be different, but I was also very excited because they have a lot of little kids and I knew it was just going to bring that magic of Christmas that sometimes you miss out on when your older. But everyone knows that I LOVE Christmas EVERYTHING about it I am in love. I watched 3 Christmas movies in a 24 hour period so that is awesome. It also says a lot about my life and the lack of...... but ANYWAYS I was just so excited for Christmas day we didn't skimp on anything, we made sugar cookies, went caroling, watched Christmas movies, went sledding, saw Santa, and ate so much bad food for you should be ashamed, and went to fun Christmas parties. her are some picture from my great holiday.

                    ^ We got to go pick out a real live Tree I was so Elated !^

        ^Downtown Cleveland is no SLC but it will have to do^
                ^I had my own little Buddie the Elf^

                             ^one of the many lovely days of riding the bus.^
          ^I got to Jeremy Work Christmas party, it was fun !^

              ^Christmas morning, waiting for presents^
                         ^Christmas day Dinner, the Have was to die for!!^
                    ^isn't he just totes abdorbs!?!^

I don't know why but me and this little guy have bonded to So much! he seriously is one of the coolest kids in the big Clev.
But this year the real meaning of Christmas just got to about Christmas eve and Christmas day. as we were opening presents I couldn't help shed a few quiet tears as chaos was all about. I am just so Thankful for everything that I have. And I have been so blessed. And it is all because of god. He is so wonderful to put me in the lives of all the great people around me. I know now more than I have ever know before that I just need to serve god and do as he ask\ because he has do so much for me. My heart is just full at this  lovely Christmas season and I hope that yours is too. I hope you had a wonderful holiday and god bless.

- Giving Thanks -

Thanksgiving was great . I didn't go home for the holidays I stayed here but my sister came up from Georgia so it was really fun. I got to spend lots of time with my sister on Black Friday with shopping and things. It really was just a fun and really great holiday. I am just so thankful for so much in my life. and you can always notice it more when you are around loved ones. One of things we did was went sledding. Now I love sledding, I haven't been for years so I was excited to go, so we loaded up all the kids and me and my two brother-laws went. We lasted a whole 35 1/2 minutes. Justin, me, and Lincoln all got hurt within 5 minutes. and graham got thrown through the stairs. But here are some pictures that showed that we had lots of fun.

                            As you can tell the kids really did have a good time for the most part with sledding.
                                          Here is a video of the whole sledding experience.
Here is a picture of my beautiful sisters. I look up to them so much. I was so happy that we were able to spend Thanksgiving holiday together. It really was great. (unfortunately this photo got ruined by my lame TOYS R US shirt.. But that is just another story...)