Saturday, December 28, 2013

- Giving Thanks -

Thanksgiving was great . I didn't go home for the holidays I stayed here but my sister came up from Georgia so it was really fun. I got to spend lots of time with my sister on Black Friday with shopping and things. It really was just a fun and really great holiday. I am just so thankful for so much in my life. and you can always notice it more when you are around loved ones. One of things we did was went sledding. Now I love sledding, I haven't been for years so I was excited to go, so we loaded up all the kids and me and my two brother-laws went. We lasted a whole 35 1/2 minutes. Justin, me, and Lincoln all got hurt within 5 minutes. and graham got thrown through the stairs. But here are some pictures that showed that we had lots of fun.

                            As you can tell the kids really did have a good time for the most part with sledding.
                                          Here is a video of the whole sledding experience.
Here is a picture of my beautiful sisters. I look up to them so much. I was so happy that we were able to spend Thanksgiving holiday together. It really was great. (unfortunately this photo got ruined by my lame TOYS R US shirt.. But that is just another story...)

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