Sunday, November 17, 2013

Lets pretend

             Its no secret that I love fashion, make-up and really anything beauty. I just Love IT!! Can I just say that I love that it is all so easily accessible through Insta- Gram, Blogs, You Tube, and Pinterest. I am always looking up outfits on what to wear all the time on there. So it bring me to this. Lets just pretend that people just LOVE my sense of style and that I am really popular fashion blogger and here is my OOTD for church today. but here the problem I had this great outfit planned out so cute so cute,but like most Sundays I just did NOT feel like wearing the clothes so I tried on about 34590000000 outfit choices in between what I originally wore and what I walked out the door with.
So this is what the Original outfit was supposed to be.
Sweater: Forever21 Black shirt: Forever21 Skirt: H&M Tights Wal-Mart Necklace: Forever21 Watch: Amazon Find Black Boots: Just Fab   

than I was going to wear these cool sweater tights, but I don't know I just couldn't do it. All I really wanted to wear was a hoodie and jeans but that wasn't going to fly. but on a side note the tights are pretty awesome.  Tights: Wal-Mart shoes: Wal-Mart
and this is what I ended up wearing. Maxi Skirt: Target Loafers: Head of heels Watch: American Eagle Necklace: Forever 21
On a side Wal-Mart tights are the best! thanks for letting me play pretend it made me feel pretty cool for a while.

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