Sunday, September 15, 2013

New Chapter New Life

So Here we go I am about to venture on to something that I have never done before. I am moving to Ohio. Yes Ohio!!!! I was born in Wisconsin that adopted in to lovely parents and grew up in Utah. That is where I have been my whole life. I am picking up my life and moving to Ohio and start a new life in three short days. I am completely and utterly going off of faith. I have always had a testimony of Christ, and always believed in the church but this is really the first time I have ever had to make a "Big Girl" decision really in my life and lean on him and do what is right in my life.  There was things that could keep me here of course, friends, family, relationships, security in a job. but you know what they say about you don't start living until you get out of your comfort zone so here we go!!

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