Wednesday, September 25, 2013


Well as you all know when you move into a new place and you get settled in you start finding things that you need/want and that's when it TARGET TIME !!! I have a love hate relationship with target because they sure know how to empty your pockets! I cant even go there when I am low on the money because I know I will come out with no money left. and of course this time was no exception.
I got a new stippling brush I have been wanting FOREVER
P.S. can I just tell you how much I love E.L.F. brand its so CHEAP and
such a good product.
Have to keep my body nice and clean clean

and this is what really through my over the edge was I got two
new pairs of shoes! I have been wanting these types for so long!! and
it was buy one get one 50% so it stole my heart from the
beginning. I guess fall was in the air and I was just feeling brown
colored shoes for a long time.



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