Saturday, October 5, 2013

For the beauty

 Part of the reason why I was so excited to move here was because of FALL. me and a dear friend were talking one night and we decided there are three Fs we love about October.
And if you want to get cheesy you can add a other one and Family. Can we all just vote and say that fall is the best season. not only do you have Halloween, you can start to wear boots, you watch Hocus Pocus and can wear sweaters everyday!!! Last year with my friends we love fall so much we had are own fall party of course we had pumpkin treats and carved pumpkins! Ya we are super cool like that. And lets not get started on the food. I love it because pumpkin starts getting in everything! pretty sure last year I made chocolate pumpkin chip cookies once a week!! PSL at Starbucks, Of course though I get PSC (Pumpkin spice creamer). Needless to say I <3 fall. So I have been wanting to stop and take some pictures of beautiful Cleveland so yesterday I had a chance and I just had to take it.
loving the leaves
so pretty
I took the pictures at the Metro Park. (just a regular park but they like to make it fancy)

I don't know why but I love taking shoes shots. they are just fun and Indy ha ha

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